Several factors influence the price of a market umbrella, and should be considered when deciding on cheap market umbrellas, and deciding if the umbrella is in fact a good value. The size of the umbrella, the quality of its construction, the materials used, and the features (e.g. whether it tilts), whether it has built in lights, etc… Smaller and less robust umbrellas are typically cheaper. If an item ships free that can be a big savings.
In my opinion a 9 foot or so umbrella at $50 or under qualifies as a good deal, though the quality should be considered before deciding if it is a good value. Some examples of fairly inexpensive market umbrellas as of the time of writing this post are shown here:
See price and details |
See price and details |
Good luck on your search for cheap market umbrellas. Patio umbrellas really are a functional, good looking addition to a back yard or patio.